What is
Foundation Centro Cultural Guanín, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, registered in USA, Canada, Switzerland and Germany, located in La Piedra, Dominican Republic, that helps young people to discover, develop, and achieve their full potential as adults, citizens, and leaders. We serve our community in 6 different goals and pyramid.
Community Healthcare
Community Development
More about Our Socio-Economic Program
More about Our Community Educational Program
More about Our Community Sports for Every one Program
Unsere Mission
Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment where youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships, develop confidence, and cultivate skills for life in the Dominican-Haitian community. We aim to run inclusive, sustainable programs for children and youth in the Dominican Republic that can be replicated throughout impoverished global communities.
Your support unleashed
When you donate to Guanin, you are empowering a community of 1,600 families, with resources need to rise above the proverty,
in the community of la Piedra, Dominican Republic.
Volunteers your time, we are committed to providing our community of la Piedra, with the necessary resources and support to make their lifes fulfilling and rewarding. Please, join us in making a difference today!
Host a fundraiser, make a recurring contribution, or participate in a corporate or congregational partnership to support our community work.
Recent Updates
This multi-level project of sustainable, lasting development is organized to achieve the objectives of ever-growing community development within rural La Piedra and its surrounding communities, while simultaneously sustaining the capacity of the region’s natural systems to provide the resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend.
Calle Guanin, Esquina Fundación No. 23, Comunidad la Piedra
Municipio la Caleta, Boca Chica, Santo Domingo Este.
Rep. Dominicana
829-875-4599, WhatsApp