Social Workers
This program will be funded by Guanin Switzerland
2 Years Budget.: $28,813.75
Click here to see the budget
Guanin Community Youth Center Program
The Guanin Foundation is reopening its door again as the Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic subsides, in order to assist the impoverished, rural community of La Piedra by providing the same safe and caring environment that has enabled many young Dominicans over the past 20 years to play sports, and to learn and develop a wide variety of valuable life skills.
We are seeking two compassionate social workers—one specializing in psychology and one in sports monitoring—to help serve the community by assisting our young children, youth, and adults who have been affected by issues such as neglect, child abuse, domestic violence, mental health problems, and parental substance abuse, among other causes of distress. Cases will be handled by phone or in person and by contacting and making referrals to other agencies and services in order to find the best solutions to problems in the community.
Guanin has assisted the community for more than 20 years through ongoing programs such as our Early Childhood Educational Program, various sports programs, socio-cultural, health and medical assistance programs, medical clinics, gender equality trainings, sustainable development programs, as well as programs to inform our youth about democracy, gender equality, racial equality, and human rights. We also promote education and practice that seek to increase digital and media literacy among our youth and other target populations, and programs that help rebuild relationships between youth and local communities with local media in order to strengthen civic culture and increase interaction in local political processes.
Unfortunately, one year after COVID-19 caused us to temporarily shut down our programs, our impoverished rural community, in general, has completely lost hope. Goods and services have been more distant and unattainable than ever. The residents of our community of La Piedra live in a territorial limbo, a virtual political No Man's Land, with no governmental body taking responsibility for helping residents of the region. “Progress has receded in virtually all major childhood indicators in and around La Piedra,” numerous experts have noted. They have added that, "The number of children who are hungry, isolated, abused, anxious, and living in poverty” is growing rapidly.“ Sadly, “there are many more youths who are forced to leave their homes and marry, most of whom are young women who have to marry men who are very much older. At the same time, residents’ access to education, socialization, and some essential services such as health, nutrition, and protection have decreased. The signs that children will suffer the worst consequences of the pandemic for years to come are unmistakable."
That helps explain how the COVID-19 Pandemic has affected the community of La Piedra. Below is how we at the Guanin Foundation believe we must proceed to rectify the situation. It means providing protection, health, nutritious food, education, and much more.
First, we at Guanin hope to begin again to care for children during the early stages of infancy through our nursery and daycare programs. Students are then enrolled in our bilingual education center, where they learn Spanish and English, are tutored in basic elementary-school subjects, and are introduced to art, theater, music, and sports. We are the most supported institution in our community—or rather we were until the Pandemic—providing the most quantity and best quality of community services in La Piedra, thanks to the dedication of local teachers, support from volunteers worldwide, assistance from the Guanin international network, and some branches of the Dominican government.
The two social worker volunteers whom we hope will work with us within the community and with local media and government bodies, will ensure that the programs for infants and young children serve to give them the headstart that they need to prosper, and will help us to resolve the problems encountered at other age levels within the La Piedra community as well. Volunteers will be provided with free transportation to go and back from the airport and the city, and free accommodations at the Guanin Center via our Share Accommodation Project.